Fall Prevention is a must!
Performing a home assessment is often the first step. This is often done in conjuntion with home care. Things to look at include the following.
1.In living area remove rugs,make larger clear paths, remove low coffee tables and remove soft furniture. Also, consider a lift device if person is unable to get up with ease. call 734-429-7444 for more info.
2. If there are steps in the house use railings.
3. In the bathroom use grab bars,bath seat raised toilet seat or handles and a non skid mat inside of the tub.
4. Kitchen safety is often forgotten. Some quick ideas include using an old fashion timer that can be kept in a pocket, wear long sleeves while cooking and consider having meals delivered. Meals on wheels is an excellent alternative to cooking. The next important point is that if you have any physical,hearing or vision issues always tell your doctor. They may have suggestions or alternatives. The last point to fall prevention is medication analysis. Falls are often related to medication. Always tell each doctor you visit what medications your on espically if you see multiple doctors. Also, having your pharmacist look over your medication list regularly is important. there may be medicaitons that contraindicate one another.